- Art and Sovereignty, Anton Vidokle, e-flux Journal #106, English, February 2020.
- Citizens of the Cosmos, Anton Vidokle, Remai Modern Web Commission, 2018
- Timeline of Russian Cosmism, Anton Vidokle, Anastasia Gacheva, and Arseny Zhilyaev. e-flux journal #88, February 2018.
- Factories of Resurrection: Interview with Anton Vidokle, by Arseny Zhilyaev, 2016
- Art without Market, Art without Education: Political Economy of Art, Anton Vidokle, e-flux journal #43, March 2013.
- This is The Last Film
- Art without Work?, Anton Vidokle, e-flux journal #29, November 2011.
- Art Without Artists?, Anton Vidokle, e-flux Journal #16, English, May 2010.
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- Art and Sovereignty, Anton Vidokle, e-flux Journal #106, English, February 2020.
- Citizens of the Cosmos, Anton Vidokle, Remai Modern Web Commission, 2018
- Timeline of Russian Cosmism, Anton Vidokle, Anastasia Gacheva, and Arseny Zhilyaev. e-flux journal #88, February 2018.
- Factories of Resurrection: Interview with Anton Vidokle, by Arseny Zhilyaev, 2016
- Art without Market, Art without Education: Political Economy of Art, Anton Vidokle, e-flux journal #43, March 2013.
- This is The Last Film
- Art without Work?, Anton Vidokle, e-flux journal #29, November 2011.
- Art Without Artists?, Anton Vidokle, e-flux Journal #16, English, May 2010.