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Object System: Doing Nothing, Vitamin at ARCO 2004

Doing nothing is doing everything
——Lao Tse

“Object System: Doing Nothing” (O.D. for abbreviation): Vitamin Creative Space is planning to produce an exhibition with the title “Object System: Doing Nothing” in stand ARCO art fair with the size of 36㎡.

Vitamin Creative Space as an art space which is located in China and working on international contemporary culture exchange, will produce an exhibition in ARCO to question what art can be in those days both in the aspects of potential and function, under the background which consumerism in the era of globalization has permeated into the artistic concepts and production of contemporary art in China.

——“O.D” project cited from the philosophy thinking “Doing Nothing” by Lao Tse as the conceptual core. “ Doing nothing” does not mean really do nothing, but dose mean how to cultivate yourself from tumultuous life into empty field and finally reach the spiritual state of “ doing nothing is doing everything”.
——Our perspective from the project is to provide a spiritual space where is produced under the collaboration with every artist’s individual thinking.
——Our condition is that he/she has to produce a small object which can reflect their thinking about “Object System: doing nothing” and every object is only an interpreter of artists’ spiritual signal.
——The concept behind this project is to discuss the artists’ spiritual force behind these objects.

We sent this proposal to some artists to invite them contributing their ideas and finally 25 artists involved into the project.

These objects presented in “O.D.” are all can not be used as practical function in the consuming society, but they built up a system which is shining the philosophy thinking “doing nothing is doing everything”.

In this project every artist interpreted the concept of “object system: doing nothing” in their own angle, meanwhile it also created a tiny landscape which consists of the different layers of Chinese contemporary art.

Concept  Hu Fang
Producer  Zhang Wei

Chen Shaoxiong
Chen Wenbo
Chu Yun
Duan Jianyu
Gu Dexin
Hong Hao
Kan Xuan
Liu Chuang
Liu Din
Lu Hao
Sha Yeya
Song Dong
Yan Lei
Yin Xiuzhen
Xu Tan
Xu Zhen
Zheng Guogu

The publication is edited by Hu Fang, designed by Chu Yun.
Logo Design©Kim Hou
©Vitamin Creative Space,Authors&Artists

Yang Zhenzhong , Tobi , Eva , Erler , Kim Hou , Chen Hongxiang